Micodus ML-100G v1.0

Sandor2 months ago

For future reference I just wanted to share an update regarding a compatible device:
Micodus ML-100G v1.0.

After sending a text message to the device


The device should respond with:


And by opening port 5015 on my firewall and forwarding the messages to the same port n docker the device was 'recognized'.

2024-07-13 07:31:55  WARN: Unknown device - 123456789999 (xxx.yyy.zzz.www)

Add 123456789999 as a device to your traccar application

Now the first messages started to appear

2024-07-13 07:34:55  INFO: [Txxyy2211: huabao < xxx.yyy.zzz.www] 
2024-07-13 07:34:55  INFO: Position filtered by Invalid Zero filters from device: 123456789999

Just wait until it has a GPS fix and it should show up in the map.

heavenlyangel2 months ago

Thank you for sharing.

foxpropa month ago

Important to mention too is that you have to place a 0 before the ID #. So you have 12 digits in stead of the 11.

0<the ID number>