No, but you can forward data to a message broker. Both Kafka and RabbitMQ are supported.
when we use a lot of devices in traccar there is a lag to show the position of each device.does it help to solve this problem if we use rabbit mq or kafka?
You have to find the root cause.
can you tell me what type of problem maybe occurs that leads to lag to show the position?i thought its due to we did not use message broker.
It seems like you don't understand what a message broker is. You should investigate where the delay is. Most likely the database.
but you said befor that web socket dose not load data from database and directly get from netty pipeline
The delay is likely on receiving data. It has nothing to do with WebSocket.
what can help us message broker in traccar?
You probably have to change the code if you want to change main pipeline to use some message broker. But again, I think it won't solve your problem, so I don't know why you would do something like that.
i want to know is there any message broker like rabbit mq or kafka in traccar?