Meitrack T355 DropOff Notification

VZ7 years ago

I would appreciate your help about setting up Notification for DropOff event for the Meitrack Τ355.
The gps sending the event and is as follow :


Info : 1) The IMEI is there and i deleted it. The Event code is the 81.

Can some one help me with a step by step procedure so i manage to add this event for WEB notifications?
Is there any manual of the syntax that i must use if in the future would like to add more events?

Best Regards.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Assuming the event code is decoded as an attribute, you should be able to use computed attributes to convert it into an alarm notification.

VZ7 years ago

Thanks for your quick response.
Can you please provide me with a procedure doing that. Best regards.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Check official documentation.

VZ7 years ago

Thanks so much for your try to help me but after so many days of reading and trying i didn't manage to succeed anything.
I am still trying. Must i be java programmer? The official documation was not helpfull for me. Can you please help me?
At my first post i am giving the line of the event that the gps is sending to the server (i took it from the log file, after i decoded with the HEX Decoder). What must i do so the Server give me a WEB notification when he gets the event "81" (wich is a Drop-off Event).
I'm sorry for my stupid questions, I'm not lazy, I just do not know how to start.

Best Regards.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Similar topics have been discussed before on the forum, so you can try to search.

VZ6 years ago

Hear i am back after one year.
Hello Anton.
I am sorry to bother you again with the same problem i did not mange to solve it so far.
I had try a lot of thinks but nothing succed.
My last try was to create an Alarm Computed Attribute with the expression : event=='81' ? Fall Down' : event=event.
After that i created an Alarm notification for all my devices with the field "Alarms" = Fall Down and the "Channels"=Web.
BUT i am not getting any notification when the item sents to server the code 81.
What am i missing?
Please give me an idea what to do. I had search a lot the forum but nothing came up. I had read the documations but nothing too.
Best Regards.

VZ6 years ago

Today i looked in the source code and i found out that at at the "function" --> DecodeAlarm there is no "case" antry for alarm code "81" which is for "DropOff". Is there any way to add it at next update? Is there any way to add it my self with out recompiling the sourse code?

VZ6 years ago

Hello again.
Fanally i manage to solve my problem.
If some one have the same problem i am writing down the steps i had follow:
First of all the problem : I couldn't manage to have an alarm when the gps (Meitrack T355) was sending the DropOff code.
I found out that in the source code in the file "" there wasn't the case for the code that my meitrack gps was sending (81). After that i added the code using "IntelliJ IDEA" (By using Notepab++ i had "tab" problems at the compilation thats why i used Intellij IDEA).
After that for the compilation of the code i used "mvn package" command on cmd (i had try with Intellij IDEA but i had problems). (You must be in traccar's folder where the "pom.xml" file is, with "Swift" and right click on mouse you select to open there the cmd and after that you are giving the vmn commnad).
In the folder "Target" you can find the new compiled file "tracker-server.jar" that will replace the old one. BUT be carefull because you must copy and replace and the folder "lib" with the original one because if you don't, you will get "error 1053" when you will try to start the traccar service.
Something else that you must be cautions is that you are working on the same version of traccar (the source code and the installed one).
After all these you will have your new working traccar. :)

Best Regards.