Meiligao protocol vt600x - not working

Mario Casas3 years ago

Please I can see in the log file this:

INFO: [65b55516: meiligao <] HEX: 2424008b123211080893ff99553136323032392e3030302c412c313230342e333035362c532c30373531342e323637312c572c302e30302c342c3238303732322c2c2a30447c302e377c333231357c323030307c303030302c303346462c303131302c303243347c303243433030304131373831364234347c31347c30313038464641427c3043c3b90d0a

but in the front end it doesn't show online and the HEX decoder fails with the message "Binary Hex can't be converted to Text". Please help.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If it's not decoded, then it's probably not compatible.