Update: when creating a new user it works good, and after a while it make the same problem.
429: Too many requests
Your quota is exhausted. Contact Google Support to increase your quota.
that's the explanation of your error, are you using some Google Maps api key?
The maps is openstreetmaps,
Google keys used only for firebase notifications
the changing the map used to other service like carto maps is giving the same problem
Seems like the map service is blocking requests. I don't think it's related to the server version.
I upgraded to 6.5 from 5.5
after that some users which actually heavy users can not see the map any more from the web app, all map tiles appear as "429 Too Many Requests", nothing in the log.
I found some topics relate 429 error to geocoding, so I disabled it, although not related.
Kindly suggest a reason.