Manager unable to edit user he created

MT8 years ago

Hi Ya,

Sorry if this has been answered on a previous post, I've just upgraded to version 3.11 (worked amazingly) with a view to being able to use the manager user function but am struggling : (

I've changed the User Limit for the manager user to be 10, and when logged in the Users menu appears and it lets me create a new user, however if I try to reset the users password or try to added devices to that user as a manager is get the follow error message...

Account is readonly - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:222<UserResource:89<...)

What am I doing wrong ?

abyss8 years ago

The error message is self-explanatory. Either your (manager) account is Readonly or whole server is Readonly.

MT8 years ago

Arrggghhh ! I spent ages searching looking at the user accounts for a readonly flag, hadnt checked the server :( All sorted now, sorry : (