Location sometimes incorrect

Paula month ago

I use the Android app for groups of Scouts out hiking and it works pretty well. They all have the Location Accuracy set to high (so it uses the gps). However, sometimes the tracking is significantly off and the accuracy is shown as a few km, rather than a few meters. I suspect this is because the gps doesn't get a location quick enough, so just returns the network location?
Is there a way to force it to get an accurate gps fix before sending the location? (or could this be added)

Example hike:

Example hike


Anton Tananaeva month ago

Which version of the app are you using? The one from Play Store or APK from our website?

Paula month ago

Play store

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Yes, that version uses fused location provider, which will fallback to cell/wifi based location if no GPS available. You can try the one from our website. That one will use GPS only if you select high accuracy.

Paula month ago

Ok, thanks. I'll give that a try.

Paul9 days ago

I tried the apk download on a couple of devices and it worked brilliantly.

Is there a way to use these settings with the Google Play store version of the app or could you add the apk version to the store under a different name? Most of my users will struggle to install the apk and get past the warnings (and it won't automatically update with new versions).

Anton Tananaev9 days ago

You could get that version from fdroid store also, but probably not trivial either. No plan at the moment to upload two versions to Google Play, but maybe we could make it a setting or something.