You can already do this. You can access account details in the template. Note that the language is not stored there, but you can add a custom attribute.
Can I find in some file which data is sent by java code to the Velocity Template? Or how do I write the attribute? $attribute.ID ?
I believe it should something like $user.attributes.someAttribute
Thx works :)
Could you please share the code? I would also like to change the notifications. thanks
Here is an example .vm file in templates
NO LANG IN LIST maybe en_US ?
this will work except for the readOnly and deviceReadOnly users , these types of users doesnt have acces to write in the attributes
Would it not be possible to implement the option of language support for notifications and xml exports? For example, according to the language of the account, which will be stored in the database as the default language "en_US", "pl_PL, sk_SK,... and so on, and with the help of .vm from the templates folder, a notification will be sent in the specified language? I am currently solving it using the geozone because it can be the only localization to write in the traccar-server
I'm currently using this :D