Jc100 image and video protocol.

sagar k patel7 years ago
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

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sagar k patel7 years ago


sagar k patel7 years ago

Sorry...I did not correctly shared file..I am sharing it now.. Can you please see it ??

sagar k patel7 years ago
sagar k patel7 years ago

hello tananaev ,

have you implemented image,video protocol like this?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It's GT06 protocol. Images and videos are not supported for it yet. Send us an email if you need help with implementing it.

Juankaher7 years ago

Hi, I have the same need, thus integrate JC100 video and pictures into traccar. Have you made any progress? thanks...

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Photos are supported for GT06 protocol.

Juankaher7 years ago

sure?..sorry, where can I find some documentation?..how/where are they stored

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There is no documentation. Photos should be stored in the "media" folder.

Juankaher7 years ago

sorry, I´m lost. then how to trigger the camera from traccar client?.. this feature its already supported from client side?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar Client? How is it related to JC100 device? Are you sure you fully understand what Traccar Client app does?

Juankaher7 years ago

What I meant is that we need to be able to trigger the camera from traccar manager client and store pictures and videos indexed by location. So I would like to hear your thoughts about the best way to do that. Thanks in advance Anton.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Photo capture command is not available yet, but you should be able to use custom command option. Pictures are stored in files and filename is stored in corresponding location attributes, so second part of your requirement is already there.