iStartek PT60 device protocol

Joystick4 years ago

Hi Anton,

I've setup a iStartek PT60 device to communicate with TCP on port 5009 but only get below HEX code in my log file. No ID or Position.


I've also tried all ports for Chinese clones as per the troubleshooting guide and also tried PT60 port 5164 and iStartek port 5010, all with the same result, just a different device name before the HEX code for example: tk102 <] HEX: 262669.................
Just making sure I am not chasing my tail here, do you think it can be a problem on the device protocol or was there another port I should perhaps try? Please assist when you have a minute.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

I don't think it's any of those common protocols.

Joystick4 years ago

Hi Anton,

Ive also tried port 5060 and 5020 as I thought they might work but no luck. Do you perhaps have an idea of which other ports to try. Below is more info on the protocol.

GPRS command format (data sent from server to device):

$$<pack-no><pack-len>,<ID>,<ID>cmd-code>,<ID>cmd-data<ID>cmd-code><ID>checksum<ID>cmd-code\\ r\n

GPRS upload command format (data from device to server):

&&<pack-no><pack-len>,<ID>,<ID>cmd-code>,<ID>cmd-data<ID>cmd-code><ID>checksum<ID>cmd-code\\ r\n
Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Do you have proper documentation?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Have you tried startek protocol?

Joystick4 years ago

Hi Anton,

I've tried startek protocol on port 5222 but only get HEX, no ID or position data.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

I guess there's some difference in the protocol, so I don't think it's currently supported.