Issues with SOS Alarm Functionality on iStartek VT200 L Device in Traccar 5.5

Giovannic3 months ago

I have Traccar 5.5 installed, and I have an issue with an iStartek VT200 L device. I configured it to report on port 5222. It works well for tracking, but the SOS alarm does not work. Reviewing the logs, the SOS message does arrive as evidenced by:

2024-11-25 15:08:08  INFO: [T0c619aef: startek <] 26264f3134352c3836353233353035313238373132322c3030302c312c2c3234313132353135303830362c562c372e3131383035312c2d37332e3132343233382c302c302e302c302c3234322c302c383339323930342c3733327c3132337c313936387c30383842413330382c33312c30303030303031392c30332c30302c303446347c303139367c303030307c303030302c312c2c2c34460d0a
2024-11-25 15:08:08  INFO: [T0c619aef] id: 865235051287122, time: 2024-11-25 15:08:06, lat: 7.11805, lon: -73.12424, course: 242.0

However, Traccar does not process the SOS message.

What I have done to try to fix the problem:

In notifications, I have activated the SOS alarm on the web.

I installed versions of Traccar higher than 5.5 (tested up to 6.4). The devices report, but the date does not update (it stays on the date of the first report). Returning to 5.5 works fine.

Reviewing the source code of Traccar 5.5, it does have the SOS alarm decoding.

Can anyone give me a clue on how to solve this without updating Traccar?
