IPhone App

ryangarnett9 years ago

I have tried it on two iPhones and it is still closing when the app is closed.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Is "Background App Refresh" enabled on those phones?

ryangarnett9 years ago

It is not showing as an option on the iPhone

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It's a standard option in phone settings. See last screenshot on the following page:


ryangarnett9 years ago

Yes I am familiar with this, but Traccar Client is not listed as one of the apps in the list

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have access to an iPhone device at the time.

Have you approved location permission for the app? It asks the first time you start it.

ryangarnett9 years ago

Yes I approved location services on install

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I just tested on iOS 9.2 and everything works fine. App doesn't get killed.

Can you please provide screenshots of the following settings items:

  1. Traccar Client
  2. Privacy -> Location Services
ryangarnett9 years ago

The iPhone is using 9.3.1 Here is a shared location with the two screen shots


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I just tested on iOS 9.3 and everything works fine as well. I need logs to investigate the issue.

Bunker379 years ago

I just installed Traccar Client on IOS 10 public beta 7 and I see the exact same issue as described above. Location Services are Always on, but I cannot toggle a switch for the programm to remain working in the background and Traccar Client will stop working if it is killed in the background.

Question: Is this an issue that also arrises on Android phones?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

My answer would be the same. If service got turned off, it means that system killed the app. To find out why, I need system logs.

There are similar issues on Android, but only for certain phone models (e.g. Samsung).

Bunker379 years ago

I will wait until next tuesday after the IOS 10 release to see if the issue remains.
I cannot find any system logs to pull from my iPhone. It does not produce an error log because it doesn't hang. Not sure how this is made but if the app has a button in the settings / general / refresh in background like many other apps do, this probably wouldn't be an issue..?

OT: The log tells me when connectivity changes. Would it be possible to send gps data at such an event? Also when cell towers get switched?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

All iOS device have system log. More info on how to pull it out:


lihman8 years ago

та же беда... на двух iphone 5s (IOS9.3 и IOS10) периодически выключается сервис. Причем непредсказуемо по времени. Иногда может и сутки проработать, а иногда пару часов.
И да, присоединяюсь к предыдущим пользователям, в меню-настройки-общие-обновление в фоновом режиме среди других приложений нет Traccar Client. Может поэтому IOS считает, что этот сервис можно останавливать?
Антон, не могли бы Вы сделать, чтоб в указанном меню появился сервис Traccar Clientа?
С удовольствием бы помог в снятии логов и пр., но к сожалению ни бум-бум в этом :(