installed traccar version?

gabrielcz8 years ago

Maybe a stupid question, but how can I know the version im running on my server?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It's printed out in the server log when you start the server.

ethode7 years ago

I have a Traccar installation that we've inherited from a company that we took on as a client. I can't find the version in any of the logs like we can in the newer versions. I am tryin to get them upgraded to the latest version but seeing the errors in the logs I am wondering if we're on 2.x or 3.0. That being said I can't confirm that because I can't find the version any where. For older versions is a for sure location to find the version? If I decompile the jar file is there a version in there some where? Thanks!

ethode7 years ago

^^^ please ignore... I did a grep on the logs and I must have simply missed it... Looks like it's running 3.5-Snapshot

Dheeraj7 years ago

What is the Log File name and where it is located

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please read documentation: