install traccar in vps with cpanel

jesusle4 years ago

How can I install traccar in cpanel? Thanks

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You should be able to install it following instructions. What is the issue?

jesusle4 years ago

The installation was a success, it did not give any error, but cpanel only shows the pages inside the public_html folder on port 80/443, but I change traccar to port 8080, server error has rejected the connection (but I already enabled the port in the aws console ) Is there any configuration missing in cpanel? Thank you

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Have you checked firewall? If the process is running, the issue has nothing to do with Traccar.

jesusle4 years ago

I not enable firewall, but maybe cpanel control that, but I don t found that configuration in cpanel

jesusle4 years ago


jesusle4 years ago

support cpanel don t understand how give ssl to service traccar port traccar 8080, have idea how set ssl in cpanel? regards