Information capture

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

I see two data points with "2024-10-25 09:55" in the log and matching data points in the Excel.

Oscar5 months ago

How can you see when you turn the unit off and on?, whether in the data or in the Traccar web system, and how can you see when you press the panic button, which is what we need, there are no markings. distinction, or at least it is not clear to see it

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

I guess there's some misunderstanding. I thought you said the data is not decoded at all. Are you saying that you're missing some specific attributes only?

Oscar5 months ago

What I need is to know when the unit turns on or off, also when the panic button is pressed, I don't know if that is possible to see in traccar.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Just tested some samples from your logs and I get "status" and "event" attribute. The status should contain a bitmask of device and vehicle status. And one of the event codes should correspond to the panic button. Check documentation you provided earlier for more details.

Oscar5 months ago

Good morning, it will be that if you can make some adjustments to be able to see on and off and also the panic button

Oscar5 months ago

I give you a sample of data, both from the tr20 and the portman, which are the ones we are using.

Protocol	PORT	ACTION	Data
TR20	5018	ACC/ON	%%0561,A,241025160458,N0951.6626W08357.0266,000,159,F0.0,00020000,108,CFG:0.12|\r\n
TR20	5018	ACC/OFF	%%0561,A,241025160715,N0951.6626W08357.0266,000,000,F0.0,00000000,151,CFG:0.12|\r\n
TR20	5018	PANIC BUTTON  ACC/ON	%%0561,A,241025163024,N0951.6626W08357.0266,000,056,F0.0,00120000,150,CFG:0.12|\r\n
PORTMAN	5211	ACC/ON	$EXT,0170,A,241026142346,N0951.6930W08357.0271,0,0,NA,NA,10,21,0.00,NA,00820000,108\r\n
PORTMAN	5211	ACC/OFF	$EXT,0170,A,241026143346,N0951.6930W08357.0271,0,0,NA,NA,10,25,0.00,NA,00800000,108\r\n
PORTMAN	5211	PANIC BUTTON ACC/ON	$EXT,0170,A,241026150354,N0951.6859W08357.0174,0,0,NA,NA,9,26,0.00,NA,01830000,108\r\n
Anton Tananaev5 months ago

You should be able to use computed attributes to extract the right data.

Oscar5 months ago

The data in the attributes field doesn't tell me anything at all, that's why it's not possible to do it, if I could have a specific attribute it would be better.

That is, in the attributes field, in the tc_positions table there is no such information.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

I told you exact attributes that you should be able to see in the position table. If you don't see them, please provide the full record that you see now.

Oscar5 months ago

I don't understand you, I gave you the log data, and the data that I traccar captured, and in the attributes field I don't see anything that makes a difference to know when I turned the unit off or on, or when I pressed the panic button, it's not clear, how can I do it? it will be that you charge me for that.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

I'm confused because the data you provided earlier has the attributes in question. But then now you said the attributes are missing. That's why I asked for the new data again because of your claim that you don't see those attributes.

Oscar5 months ago

Correct, I do not see the attributes in the field of the table, when I do the tests, I review data but I do not see much difference in the capture, such as to determine whether or not the unit is turned off or if the panic button is pressed, That is, I do not see that data in the table.

I sent you a log text file of the traccar, and then I sent you in an Excel, the corresponding data that is in the tc_posotions table, and in the attribute change I don't see the data.

For example, this is the log when you press the panic button

2024-10-25 10:22:40  INFO: [T55a0b87f: tr20 <] %%0561,A,241025162239,N0951.6626W08357.0266,000,000,F0.0,00100000,150,CFG:0.12|\r\n

And this is the traccar tc_positions record

25/10/2024 10:22:40 {"temp1":0,"status":1048576,"event":150,"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":29.537182330787694,"motion":false}

In other words, in the tc_positions table I don't see logs of power on of the drive, nor when I press the panic button, it is only seen in the log file

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

I can see both status and event in the example you provided.

Oscar5 months ago

What is this the data "status":1048576,"event":150 ? If so, how can I interpret it?