Increase length of area field for geofence

Leif Neland7 years ago

I try to import a route from a gps track using the geofences api, but get this error

Value too long for column "AREA VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL": "'LINESTRING (56.50431550 8.309912680, 56.50450500 8.317766180, 56.50694430 8.318281170, 56.50798630 8.323087690, 56.50703910 8.3... (5036)"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO geofences (description, name, calendarId, attributes, area) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [22001-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:477 < DataManager:448 < BaseObjectManager:87 < ...)

Could I just increase this field in the database, can I join more areas, or do I need to prune points from the track?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can increase field size, but if reducing track size would be better in terms of performance, if that's an option.

Leif Neland7 years ago

I put the track into with high simplification, and set reduction to 150 points. The track looks fine now.