Incorrect trip calculation and error trip summary

Zuhairi2 years ago


Is there anyway for us to set the hours to exact minutes as we found that there is a different on the Duration between Trip Report and Summary Report

Below are the example data generated and logs captured,

We also tried to generate Previous Month for the Trip Summary Report however we are getting an error as and logs generated during this event as below

Logs :

2023-09-06 16:15:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a698f8118003c6834e601d3b7c7001c005308000000010115050000000100000211
2023-09-06 16:15:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:15:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:15:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:17:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a699155d8003c6834db01d3b7c7001c005306000000010115050000000100001dda
2023-09-06 16:17:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:17:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:17:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:19:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a69932a98003c6834c701d3b7bc001c005307000000010115050000000100008004
2023-09-06 16:19:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:19:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:19:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:21:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a6994ff58003c6834b701d3b7b3001c0053090000000101150500000001000077ac
2023-09-06 16:21:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:21:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:21:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:23:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a6996d418003c6834b101d3b7ad001c00530700000001011505000000010000911b
2023-09-06 16:23:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:23:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:23:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:25:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a6998a8d8003c6834b001d3b7b2001d00530700000001011505000000010000e7eb
2023-09-06 16:25:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:25:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:25:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:27:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a699a7d98003c6834b801d3b7c1001d00530a00000001011505000000010000cff6
2023-09-06 16:27:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:27:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:27:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:28:40  INFO: user: 4, report: trips, from: 2023-09-01 00:00, to: 2023-09-30 23:59, devices: [3], groups: []
2023-09-06 16:28:43  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:28:44  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:28:45  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:03  INFO: user: 4, report: trips, from: 2023-08-01 00:00, to: 2023-08-31 23:59, devices: [3], groups: []
2023-09-06 16:29:05  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:06  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:07  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:08  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:11  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:12  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:13  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:14  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:15  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:16  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:17  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:18  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:19  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:20  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:24  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a699c5258003c6834bc01d3b7c3001d00530900000001011505000000010000a919
2023-09-06 16:29:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:29:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:29:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:29:25  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:26  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:28  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:29  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:30  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:30  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:32  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:33  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:34  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:35  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:35  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:36  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:36  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:37  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:37  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:37  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:38  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:38  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:38  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:38  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:39  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:40  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:40  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:40  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:41  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:41  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:41  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:42  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:42  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:42  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:42  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:43  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:43  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:43  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:44  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:45  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:45  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:45  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:46  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:46  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:46  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:46  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:47  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:47  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:47  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:48  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:48  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:48  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:49  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:50  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:50  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:50  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:50  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:51  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:51  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:185 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:51  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:126 < ReportUtils:195 < *:272 < *:395 < *:298 < TripsReportProvider:65 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:51  WARN: unhandled due to prior sendError - Closed - EofException (... < OverrideFilter:77 < ...)
2023-09-06 16:29:51  WARN: Unable to release Session Session@5d4fc4d{id=node0p512w9lr9fy81jfod1wwfmeix13,x=node0p512w9lr9fy81jfod1wwfmeix13.node0,req=0,res=true} - InterruptedException (...)
2023-09-06 16:31:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a699e2718003c6834d201d3b7d6001e005308000000010115050000000100008f90
2023-09-06 16:31:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:31:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:31:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:33:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a699ffbd8003c6834dd01d3b7d8001e00530700000001011505000000010000f61e
2023-09-06 16:33:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:33:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:33:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:35:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a69a1d098003c6834e101d3b7d4001e00530900000001011505000000010000ecf6
2023-09-06 16:35:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:35:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:35:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:37:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a69a3a558003c6834e301d3b7ce001f00530900000001011505000000010000ed3a
2023-09-06 16:37:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:37:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:37:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:39:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a69a57a18003c6834e501d3b7c4001f0053090000000101150500000001000023dc
2023-09-06 16:39:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:39:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:39:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
2023-09-06 16:41:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika <] 000000000000002308010000018a69a74ed8003c6834f601d3b7bf001f0053090000000101150500000001000051aa
2023-09-06 16:41:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e] id: 496748056522998, time: 2023-09-06 16:41:27, lat: 3.06519, lon: 101.34624, course: 83.0
2023-09-06 16:41:25  INFO: [T46b7bb5e: teltonika >] 00000001
Anton Tananaev2 years ago
  1. You can export the report to see more accurate numbers.
  2. The errors in the log indicate that you reached the limit for the geocoding provider. You should either disable it or get a service with higher limits.
Zuhairi2 years ago

Hi Anton,

  1. is there any way for us to display the accurate numbers on the system?

  2. I've increase the higher limit and so far no error received.