Impossible to send command to original protocol after OSMAND data push.

Marco Bernardi6 years ago

Dear forum,
i need to send additional position data, since API don't give the opportunity to POST positions i've used the OSMAND protocol.

Data are showed as expected but if then i try to send a command to the GPS unit (teltonika) seams like do not recognize the protocol anymore showing the error

Odd number of characters. - DecoderException (... < DataConverter:29 < BaseProtocol:99 < ActiveDevice:48 < ...)

This even if the last message is sent by the GPS itself using the teltonika protocol.

Any idea to fix it?


Kenichi6 years ago


Which version of Traccar are you using?

Marco Bernardi6 years ago

Hi, last one available 4.5.

Marco Bernardi6 years ago

For the sake of clarity, steps to reproduce this bug are:

  1. Add a Teltonika GPS to traccar
  2. Send the custom command "battery" -> "work as expected"
  3. Send a position using OSMAND with the same uniqueId of Teltonika GPS
  4. Send the custom command "battery" -> "
ERROR: Odd number of characters. - DecoderException (... < DataConverter:29 < BaseProtocol:99 < ActiveDevice:48 < ...)

This happens also if between step 3 and 4 there is a regular sent Teltonika position message

Basically to my eyes looks that if you send a position to an id using OSMAND the osmand protocol will stick forever to the device send command method.