I no longer receive positions

Valentina6 years ago

hi, my version of traccar is 3.5 if I'm not mistaken, currently
I have 66 devices with id in table 114 (I don't know if it's relevant).
after adding a new device, teltonika, I no longer receive any position on any device. I read that traccar has no limit, so what could be the problem? server configurations? there are currently 20 users.

Ernesto Vallejo6 years ago

Current version is 4.3. Do you have any logs ?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If you are really using 3.5, you should update immediately. Not only it's outdated in terms of device support, but it also contains known published security vulnerabilities.

trackinguser4456 years ago

if you have problems reboot vps and recheck--there could also be a port conflict depending on other services running. Double check all.

Valentina6 years ago

thank you all, I will update it. does this involve changes in the db as from version 2 to 3?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Read documentation.

Valentina6 years ago

I had already read the documentation quickly, the first time I had to migrate the db. so I was asking ... re-reading more reliably, just reinstall if I have version 3.5. thank you so much

Valentina6 years ago

Hi everyone, I tried to update! it doesn't update!
I uninstalled and even renamed the old db and created a new one ... but the version remains the old and the same tables.
can you tell me why? how can i solve?