What I received over an email should be supported on port 5185 (Globalstar).
Sorry, corrected port 5185 (Globalstar).
No, sorry. Translation problems. I sent you an email to support@traccar with more information and documentation about the globalstar protocol.
Why no? What is the problem?
Translation of writing and reading. LOL
The documentation says what should be listening on port 5185. How to process the information sent by Globalstar.
Traccar already support this format on port 5185. That's what I already said.
Excellent! At the beginning of the post we understood something else. But it is excellent news! Thank you so much for everything!
Hello Rock! How are you? how did it go with the connection of Traccar with GlobalStar?
Hi! Did you manage to get it to communicate with traccar?
Hello! The latest version of traccar has port 5185 ready to receive information from the SmartOne, but you have to be VAR Globalstar to be able to send information to your own platform.
¡Hola! la ultima version de traccar trae preparado el puerto 5185 para recibir informacion de los SmartOne, pero tenes que ser VAR Globalstar para poder enviar enformación a una plataforma propia.
Gracias Rock! tu ya lo probaste? como hiciste la integración con Traccar?, podriamos hablar? tienes algun correo?
Reminder that we don't allow sharing email addresses or any other personal contact details on the forum.
HI! Does port 5185 also work for Globalstar devices like SPOT X or SPOT GEN4?
For SmartOne C and Smart One SOLAR it works perfect!
Good morning, I already sent an email to support, with this subject! "Globalstar Message Protocol - Continue from Forum POST"