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can you plase post video tutorial ?
just created a vps instance with ubuntu and logged via putty using key from amazon.
Step 4 is not clear, can you explain one by one..i just copy paste that inside putty ?
can anyone explain please :(
As far as I understand you need to connect to your VPS through SSH and execute given commands.
Anton, you tried in amazon free tier too, which linux used and can you explain by steps ?
now i am able to connect using ssh, next step.
Next step is to download installation package (, unzip it and follow installation instructions.
Installed centos in amazon vps...will start instance and try in ssh.
$25 free credit, register your email id (even you already have account), you get $25 code in 3 hours after entering details below :
finally unzipped in amazon EC2 (centos 7)
how to install java in centos ? because downloaded java from this link
but dont know how to extract it :(
buddy, any complete step by step video tutorial and ssh codes, as we're new to this putty and ssh codes, using google, but not able to understand.
will elaborate what i done till now..
2)installed wget using below code
sudo yum install wget
installed zip and unzip using below code
sudo yum install zip unzip
downloaded jave SE to server using below code
dont know how to extract :(
6)downloaded traccar using below code
unzipped the traccar using below code
still searching on google for next step and solution :( hope will find one i think, whyn't some one create complete video tutorial for centos ? as centos is more stable compared to other OS for server
This is how you install Java on CentOS:
sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
Thanks anton, installed java :)
2)installed wget using below code
sudo yum install wget
installed zip and unzip using below code
sudo yum install zip unzip
Installed java using below code
sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
5)downloaded traccar using below code
unzipped the traccar using below code
How to install traccar, any one line code like you given for java ?
or i have to open the root by sftp and and edit some file ?
about mysql ?
Have you looked at the README file?
[centos@ip-172-31-59-71 ~]$ sudo /opt/traccar/bin/traccar start
Starting traccar...
Waiting for traccar......
running: PID:9947
[centos@ip-172-31-59-71 ~]$
so this is finally here, now how to access in browser ?
myserverip:9947 or myserverip:8082 ?
Also make sure that ports are not blocked by firewall.
First that nothing, I want to thank all those who made possible this project "Traccar" in particular the Lord Anton Tananaev many thanks.
we need to access our VPS using putty here you have a tutorial on how to do it.
Once inside our vps using Putty we proceed with the installation of the Traccar Server
steps to follow once inside our VPS
Press ESC
Now we access the browser with the ip of our server, to open the ports of our vps on AWS, follow these steps;
Finally, in the client installed on the device, we will put our IP and port 5055.
Julio Rodriguez-.