How to change the Title "traccar" to something else in the web app

anilsagar4 years ago

I have changed the title in the index.html files in both simple and modern folders but still the header shows "Traccar". Even the app.min.js shows changed name at two different places as - Ext.application({name:'Envirocom',extend:Traccar.Application} - But still unclear where do I need to still make the changes...:-)

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It is showing now.

anilsagar4 years ago

Not yet Anton. Title changes are incorporated in the head of index.html. Body still shows Traccar (which controls the header) and I am not sure how to change it.

anilsagar4 years ago

Used the following command in /opt/traccar/web/modern/static/js to finally change the Traccar header in the modern app:

sudo find ./ -type f -readable -writable -exec sed -i "s/"Traccar"/"NewName"/g" {} \;

Zaqueu4 years ago

@anilsagar / @Anton - I didn't get success with this command in Ubuntu 20.04 Server. would have any solution for me?

anilsagar4 years ago

Command has a backslash just before the last semicolon. Gets erased when trying to post in this comment box.

anilsagar4 years ago

Also clear the cache of your browser

Zaqueu4 years ago

@anilsagar - Thank you very much my friend, I will try the command this way.

anilsagar4 years ago

I should have used the markdown. It's like:

sudo find ./ -type f -readable -writable -exec sed -i "s/"Traccar"/"NewName"/g" {} \;

Hello, I have problems when I want to change the "title" of the Traccar page, any recommendations, and I tried but I have not been able to do it, I already changed the icon and the logo, thanks for your time.