How To Capture ODB Data

pmunoz8 years ago


I am new to Traccar and have managed to operate the system and receive data from my GPS 306A device. Checking the log in "tracker-server.log", I see ODB data transmission registers, but I do not understand how I should do to configure Traccar to take that data and display it on the web page.

I will be grateful to orient me to show the ODB data.

Thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You should be able to see OBD data in the "state" panel in the web app.

If you don't, you should provide HEX data for OBD message from logs and what data you expect to see.

pmunoz8 years ago


Could you tell me how to add the hex data to the system?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You don't add HEX data anywhere. I need to see HEX data from Traccar logs.

pmunoz8 years ago

ok I understand.

These are the data in HEX that I see in the log:

2017-06-13 20:30:17 DEBUG: [90A90FC7: 5001 <] HEX:696d65693a3836383638333032373832353533322c4f42442c3137303631333230333031342c2c2c2c302c302c302e3030252c302c302e3030252c302c302e30302c2c2c2c3b

If I use the "Hex Decoder" page the data is as follows:

HEX: imei:8686830xxxxxxx,OBD,170613203014,,,,0,0,0.00%,0,0.00%,0,0.00,,,,;

Thank you

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Your device just sends zeroes. Wait till it sends something useful and see if it gets decoded.

pmunoz8 years ago

He's right, I've changed the car device and now the data arrives.

Is there an area like the "Status" box where you can see only the OBD data?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago


pmunoz8 years ago

Ok, thank you very much for the help and patience !!!

Kowshik9 months ago

so which traccar api endpoint should I be hitting to receive the OBD data?

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Same as any other data.