How to add Geofence

Saravanakumar2 years ago

I logged in as an admin user in a fresh installation of Traccar server 5.3. There is no option to add geofence? Am I missing anything?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You don't have an option in settings?

Saravanakumar2 years ago

I later understood it can be added using Polygon and LineString tools. There is tricky and no add button though.

amina year ago

yes icant too.i cant add geofence

Geotrackera year ago

Tricky...thanks ! spent sometime but play around with the polygon tool and will draw a shape :-) a plus or add button would be useful. I am using the server hosted version ....

Sureshkrisha year ago

I doesn't exist the Polygon , circle etc ., Then how to find ?

Anton Tananaeva year ago


Sureshkrisha year ago
Anton Tananaeva year ago

The second screenshot doesn't open. The first one I don't understand. Why are we looking at the device links. The discussion is about geofences, right?

Sureshkrisha year ago

Yes , geofences , Actually, my doubt is how to use Polygons and Circles for geofence setup in the Traccar application. I've tried it on the screen below, but I'm not sure where to set the geofences.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

There are buttons in the top left corner of the map to create geofences. You cannot create circles though.

Sureshkrisha year ago

I think I'm using the current version 5.1, right? With this version, it's not available for circles; it's only available for polygons and are saying right?

Sureshkrisha year ago

Hi Anton Tananaev,
I Guess Good Afternoon ,
I have more doubts, please help, Anton Tananaev.

Booking Request Management:

  1. User-friendly interface for creating and managing booking requests.
  2. Information capture: purpose of the trip, number of passengers, date and time, destination, etc.
  3. Ability to attach additional notes or special requests.
    Is this available for the Traccar application?

Thank you.

netgelder6 months ago

Well guys is there anyone who can really tell how to draw a geofence because these comments just didnt help. Yes I know where to fiond the geofences menu but there is no new button and even if i click the linestring or poligone tool I still cant draw anything. Ive tried ctrl, alt, shift combined with all of my mouse buttons but it just doesnt work. Thanks.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

You just click one of those buttons on the map and start drawing. What browser are you using?