How to access latest position in

Victor Butler9 months ago


Is there an easy way to access the latest position in

My understanding is that the below would work only when a new position is sent by the device, however I need to get the latest position eve when the device does not send data:

public void handlePosition(Position position, Callback callback) {
   Position last = cacheManager.getPosition(position.getDeviceId());
Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Your understanding is incorrect.

Victor Butler9 months ago

Thanks for that, you are correct indeed. Using cacheManager I was able to access the last recorded message and for new incoming messages I had to use the PostProcessHandler. Your help and a bit of digging did the trick.

I do have a question about the BaseBroadcastService, in particular the code below. What is the code below actually updating:

public void updateDevice(boolean local, Device device) {
        BroadcastMessage message = new BroadcastMessage();
Victor Butler9 months ago

Some feedback will be appreciated. I couldn't understand what the BroadcastService actually does.