Yes, there is no way to limit it on Traccar side, but you can limit messages by phone number on your provider.
Any plan to develop such feature ?
per user .. I mean
Well I have got answer from four different sms providers today and none of them can do it. They say that it can be done on the Traccar side if api is used. If Anyon know a provider that can do it please advise
Same answer here, provider does not block them.
Anton, another way to reduce abuse would be to block access to user to notifications.....Any plan to developt that feature?
But then you also block them from the free ones. And what is the use of traccar then?
Well, admin could configure notifications to each single user but not allowing them to change it.
In fact , this is actually my problem. I setup some notification, lets say, SOS and geofences and user enable others that causes high consume of SMS like ENGINE ON and OFF or speed limit...
I very much understand. I have a dialog now with a provider. They promised to look in to it
Would love a feature for limiting number of sms per user per month.
Hi Anton,
I thing this kind of request is not new for you (does it?).....
What I really what to know is if you have though to implement this in near future?
I had a server with 300+ users and some of them really abuse of SMS notification feature and ther is no way to limit this currently, right?
Please your thoughs..