You can modify YwtProtocolDecoder class to decode extra information.
Hi Anton,
Thank you for your suggestion. I have to modify various pattern but it does not success in YwtProtocolDecoder. Please advice me to decode the extra information.
private static final Pattern PATTERN = new PatternBuilder()
.expression("%(..),") // type
.number("(d+):") // unit identifier
.number("d+,") // subtype
.number("(dd)(dd)(dd)") // date (yymmdd)
.number("(dd)(dd)(dd),") // time (hhmmss)
.number("(ddd.d{6}),") // longitude
.number("(dd.d{6}),") // latitude
.number("(d+)?,") // altitude
.number("(d+),") // speed
.number("(d+),") // course
.number("(d+),") // satellite
.expression("([^,]+),") // report identifier
.expression("([-0-9a-fA-F]+)") // status
How can I coding the source to match the raw data?
You can use "PatternUtil" class to debug your regex patter.
Here is my raw data that can be read from the url decoder.
The importance data are 1db2-02b3-52004 for CELLID, 7>1 for analog input and 20>30.1V for External Voltage.
How can I modify source code to correct ywt protocol by myself? Any suggest almost welcome.