Hours Calculation - Ignition flag not in message

Joystick9 months ago

Hi community,
Teltonika devices generally send "Ignition" flag in every message, but if configured to scan Eye Beacons, "Ignition" flag is not sent as part of the message during the time they scan for beacons. (power value also drop out of the message)
Therefore during travel some messages will include ignition flag and some don't.
This appears to cause the hours calculated (difference between start and finish) to be less than the actual time an ignition was on during a trip.

Am I correct in saying it will affect hours calculation if ignition flag is not sent in every message and is including ignition in copyAttributes the best solution to fix the issue?

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Correct. The best option is to configure attribute copying.

Joystick9 months ago

Thank you for confirming Anton.

Joystick9 months ago

Hi Anton,
I included ignition in attribute copying.
Then tested it over the last 2 days. Ignition is copied in every message now, but the hours calculated does not match the difference between ignition on and off time.
I tested this on 2 different groups of devices, on one group I have beacon scanning enabled and on the other group disabled.
The group with beacon scan disabled appears to be calculating hours correctly.
The group with beacon scan enabled fall behind with approx 10 to 12 minutes every hour. Beacon scanning is performed every 5 minutes and last for approx 1 minute, therefore approx 12 minutes of scanning is performed in a hour which seems to be equal to the time lost in hours calculation every hour.

If I disable beacon scanning hours are calculated correctly.
I understand this is not a issue with Traccar but did you have something in mind as a work around for this.

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

What version are you using?

Joystick9 months ago

The groups I tested is on v6.2 with some customisation.
I have also tested it on one device on v6.2 without any customisation.

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Can you provide database records from a short period of time where you see inconsistency.

Joystick9 months ago

I can email it to you, what format would suite best?