Help with upload images, Permission denied

DaveGG5 months ago

After fruitless searches about my problem, I decided to ask you.
I can't upload a new .svg image to my VPS server. I have the new image locally and use scp with the ssh -i key and the image to place it in the images path of my VPS, finally the terminal throws me "Permission denied" to opt/traccar/legacy/images
Do I have to change the permissions to the images folder with chmod? These are the permissions it has (drwxr-xr-x)
Some help are wellcome.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Captura de pantalla -2024-10-10 17-52-21.png

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

You probably need a root account.

DaveGG5 months ago

Thanks @Anton, I tried with sudo scp and the whole path, but I'm probably wrong doing this because I understand that I need to switch to sudo in my terminal first. Tomorrow I'll try it.
People do it easily in blogs or videos, not me. :/

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

You don't need to switch to sudo locally. You have to do it remotely.

DaveGG5 months ago

so... sudo su scp -i and all the path? is to difficult to me understand linux. I tried.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

What operating system are you familiar with? It will be exactly the same thing there. Having admin access locally doesn't give you remote admin access.

What I would recommend is copy the files using scp to a home folder first. And then ssh into the system and sudo cp from there.

DaveGG5 months ago

I tried to place the .svg image in the root / and I couldn't either. I tried many things before asking, I watched tutorials and search here/forum to see if there was a question like mine that would solve the issue for me, nothing had any luck.
I don't know if I can create a folder in my OCI, I will try to create it to copy the image there and then with root privileges move it to the traccar images folder.
Anyway, I already do it out of stubbornness :/ because I don't need really the new vehicle picture. It's fine and I did with Inkscape, but is terrible do something/"nothing" with oracle instances.
Thanks @Anton

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Have you tried what I suggested?

4574789554755 months ago

já tentou jogar a imagem la usando o filezilla ?

DaveGG5 months ago
Hello! yes I tried.
1st: From Windows 10 from the Symboll system cmd.exe can't connect with my Oracle cloud with the ssh-key that first I export to my windos O.S. Shells and Powershells or cmd in windows don't understantd commands.
2do: from my Linux-mint I tried scp -i /mypublik.key and image arrow.svg ubuntu@mypublicip: ~/ to place in my personal folder and the command say: cp: can't be make 'stat' from 'arrow.svg': No such file or directory scp: .: not a regular file. I rename to .png without success
3th: I login via ssh to my OCI, login ok, from inside I do sudo su and make: mkdir test folder with chmod 777, them from local linux-mint machine do all again, tried to copy in test folder and say no such file or directory
Now I'm read this , because I ask to google in Spanish ("upload files" to OCI) with quotes in keywords, and don't match nothing about in Spanish but yes match in English.
Thank you and excuse my English.

DaveGG5 months ago

@457478955475, thanks, I think about this but Oracle is very securiced, really that is the basic problem with upload my image.