Time - device time
Power - positions table, units depend on the device
Ignition - ignition status
Status - status field reported by the device
Distance - distance from previous position
Thanks for the quick response. Can you please clarify on the status field? What does that status mean? How do I interpret a status for instance of 4294966271?
It's bit mask. If you want more details, you can take a look at the protocol documentation:
In what table and column is the status field stored?
It's stored in the "attributes" column in the "positions" table.
I found the status field stored in the positions table under the column attributes. But I need to make sense out of that data. If my device (lkgps, h02 protocol) sends a status field with value of 4294966271, is this where traccar server extracts the contents of the attribute field? Or if not, what does this status pertain to?
As I said, if you want to understand the meaning of the status field, you should read protocol documentation.
Please define the following fields
in the traccar admin. Im using myqsql database.
Time: Is this server time or time device sent data?
Power: On what table is this saved? And what unit is this?
Ignition: What is this?
Status: What does this number mean?
Distance: What does this mean? Distance from what?