Help recognize the protocol

sph1nxa month ago

Hi, migrated from another platform with about 300 devices. And I can't figure out what protocol is it talking about? Can you advise something?

2025-01-17 00:41:18  INFO: [Tf108ad74: mta6 <] #L#2.0;862531042989419;NA;57E0\r\n
2025-01-17 00:41:18  WARN: [Tf108ad74] error - readerIndex(0) + length(3) exceeds writerIndex(0): UnpooledByteBufAllocator$InstrumentedUnpooledUnsafeHeapByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 0, cap: 0) - IndexOutOfBoundsException (... < Mta6ProtocolDecoder:276 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:73 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ... < WrapperInboundHandler:56 < ...)
2025-01-17 00:41:18  INFO: [Tf108ad74] disconnected
Anton Tananaeva month ago

Maybe wialon?

sph1nxa month ago

After a physical examination I realized that it was Positron mi-1,Positron 7000 and Positron mx+ trackers, are they supported?

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Have you tried my suggestion?

sph1nxa month ago

Yes, waiting for data from trackers

sph1nxa month ago

Thank you very much, it helped