h02 orientation

renaud8 years ago


I am not sure whether this is a protocol or a device issue but I don't see that with other protocols. All the devices I have which use protocol h02 (I have lk209c, lk106, lk109 models) have the same behavior. When the device is stopped, the course becomes 0.0. That means all stopped devices point to North. It's somewhat normal for the course to be 0 when you are stopped since you are not moving in any direction, however this leads to some imprecision. Would it be possible to retain to old course value when speed is 0.0 and course is 0.0?

Best Regards

renaud8 years ago

Maybe this filter would help

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I don't know. Have you tested it?

renaud8 years ago

Well, this filter will work on every protocol, so I am not sure it's ideal for everyone. It doesn't really retain the last course/position. But if speed is zero, the object shouldn't have moved.
There might be some edge cases that I haven't found yet.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

It's optional parameter, so if it works for some people, it's good enough.