Gt06 Protocol

Francois6 years ago

Good day

If I re-create the GT06 protocol,for my own GPS devices, do I have to send the crc error check sum for the GPS data to be displayed ?
I log in traccar without the checksum, but when I send GPS data to the server it does not plot the coordinates or the status? Is there a file that i can check errors except the log file?

Kind regards

Francois5 years ago

Good day
If i send t data as protocol( 0X10 )for GT-06, My device comes online and show the data as valid, but once my date changes to the 26 th to the 31th (meaning HEX 1A to 1F), the server does not respond and blocks the data? Why is that, must i work differently with the date when I get to the 26th of a month?
in :78 78 12 10 13 8 10 9 21 16 B 2 DE 71 D8 3 0 5A 10 2 10 62 0 2 D A
out: 78 78 5 10 10 62 C2 99 D A
for the 16th of the month
but for the 26th
in :78 78 12 10 13 8 1A 9 24 1 B 2 DE 72 8 3 0 5B A4 2 10 7A 0 2 D A
out: no response