GT02a and language

bike9 years ago

hello , some body with the same model , when buy this coming in chinese?
the mine yes , and I traied a lot of commands for change to english and nothing!
work fine , but all the text of the sms are in CH

#lang#123456#0# not work and many other copmbinations I traied. I finded 0=english 1=chinese

any idea ?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

What does device manual say about it?

bike9 years ago

nothing!! I founded in other manuals from internet with similar string ( #command#pass#etc# ) and no one work!
neither whit the time zone , in this case , yes have command in the device manual .( but for this Il open a new post )

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I guess the only option is to connect seller.

bike9 years ago

seller answer wrong , and no more answer :-(
any way I still attemp
any new I post .

KrzysztofFly8 years ago

Try 109#

bike8 years ago

do you say some like this

#109#123456#en# ?

KrzysztofFly8 years ago

Send SMS 109#

bike8 years ago

:-( DO NOT WORRY , tracker stop work !!!
I will see for another one , but not from 20€ in amazon :-)
regards and thanks anyway!