GT02 - new protocol?

Rozik9 years ago

I tried to connect the new GT02 to traccar server but widthout success. I found the HEX


in the log. Although I set all of Chinese ports the device hasn't been connected. The previous GT02 device has been connected and worked fine on port 5002. Both of devices are different (design, sms instructions...) but the name is the same. When I set the port to 5002 there was added following in the log.

2016-09-04 22:39:02 DEBUG: [3BE47BFB: 5002 <] HEX: 28303837303733303834343633425a30302c3233302c3030312c343335382c363532382c303130303030303029
2016-09-04 22:39:02  WARN: Unknown device - 087073084463 (

I added the device with ID 087073084463 and nothing... no messages in the log.

I tried to connect GT02 device to your traccar server - The same result :-(.

Could you help me please?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Port and device id are correct. I guess your device just doesn't send any GPS data. Possibly it's a device configuration issue or it just doesn't have a GPS fix.

Rozik9 years ago

Hi Tatanaev,
thank you for your reply. The issue has been solved - the factory reset and the hard restart were needed.