Group Speed Limit

smhhadima7 years ago


I am using V3.13

1- When I set group attribute speed limit (and I am sure the device is listed within the group), I receive no notification
But when I set device attribute speed limit, it works fine.

2- how to set speed limit server wide?
any help?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago
  1. Have you enabled "deviceManager.lookupGroupsAttribute" in config? It's required for group attributes to work.

  2. You can set it in server attributes.

smhhadima7 years ago

I set it now and it works fine. Thank you

another question:
If the Group speed is set to 100km/h and the device is set to 80km/h

which one will have the priority?

Thank you

abyss7 years ago

Closer to device has priority.

Arun8 months ago


I am using traccar V6.2, I am able to get the events "over speeding" for a device, but I am not bale to get the same event for groups.
Means, When I set the speed limit for devices, I am getting the events, but when I set the speed limit to a group, then the events are not getting triggered.

I have gone through the documentation, but did not find any attribute named "deviceManager.lookupGroupsAttribute" to set the value.

Can anyone provide me some input to this.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

I believe it should work for groups by default. No additional configuration required.