I would recommend to check browser console for errors and warnings.
No errors, No Warnings
Screenshot please.
Sorry for late, I was looking for website to share screenshopt
Here you go,
Yes, installed 3 months ago from traccar website. I have done some modifications to only simple map not the traccar UI map.
Yes. Chrome, Firefox and Explorer Edge
Can I have access to take a look myself?
Sure, do you want access to the web UI or to my traccar server?
To the web app.
Sent, please check support email
The problem is that one of the devices has incorrect coordinates:
820° 13.540633' N
7° 17.535300' E
Thank you so much Anton, deleting that device fixes the issue.
Would you mind if suggest a solution to avoid server recording wrong coordinates?
You might be able to filter those using "invalid" filter or using "max speed" filter.
That's perfect.
Again I appreciate your help.
I faced a problem recently, All the green arrows of devices in the map disappeared. However, the map is following the selected device (Follow button selected) and the line is drawn of the car previous coordinates.
On the other hand, When I create new user account and add new device, the green arrow is exist and works fine.
Could you please help me how can I make the green arrows appear in the previous created accounts.
Thank you,