GPS tracker configuration without SMS

Angeloa year ago

I have been using a simple gps tracker for a while, to configure the tracker's ip, i need to send a sms to the device with following content:

ip 5013
ip 5013

it works, but now, the phone company blocks all the incoming and outgoing SMS with a link, the above sms is considered a link, so all got blocked. can anybody recommend
a gps tracker that does not need to send a sms to set the ip address? Thanks

Track-tracea year ago

Why dont you just use a simcard one time from another provider to set the url?

If you use your own traccar server with a domain name and thus use an url instead of an ip then it does not matter when your server ip changes (because then you just change the ip in domain DNS panel)

Besides that normally any tracker that can be connected to a computer with a cable can set the url / ip manually.

Angeloa year ago

Thanks for the response, all phone companies in my country blocks sms with clickable url, that make configuring server ip impossible. yes, i use my own domain so no problem for the existing devices, but you can add new devices as those devices has a default server and you need to reset it to your own traccar server

as you mention any tracker that can be linked with a cable can be set manually, that's what I'd like somebody to recommend, thanks

Track-tracea year ago

Which country are you in anyway? Never heard about blocking urls in sms. Actually i do not know trackers that cant be connected with a cable to a computer. Which brand tracker and model are you using ?

Angeloa year ago

similar to this one:

blocking clickable urls in the sms is to curb SMS scams, but it make the configuration of device to use another ip impossible.

Track-tracea year ago

SO Which country are you in anyway?
What vendor platform does your tracker use ?
Which device model ?

Angeloa year ago

several countries in south east Asia has blocked sms with links:




so far I have found two devices that might solve this issue:

TK303 H - it has a USB port that user_config.ini can be updated
T08 - you can send command directly from its default platform so you can change ip and port from web

have not yet personally tested these devices

Richard Acostaa year ago

Speak to the phone company and ask to allow specific IPs or URLs specifically on your service/s. They should not have an issue with that.
Otherwise they are blocking progress. (IoT)

Angeloa year ago

I did, but answer is no.

Track-tracea year ago

Then buy trackers which can be programmed through cable, Bluetooth or Wifi. There are plenty.

Angeloa year ago

that was my initial question:

can anybody recommend
a gps tracker that does not need to send a sms to set the ip address? Thanks

Richard Acostaa year ago

Anyone with an internal usb port. The problem is, the same model may ahve it on some versioons or not have it on some others. The only way to know is to ckeck before buying.

Rodney Yeo9 months ago

HI! I am from Malaysia and yes all my country telco has block all SMS with URL Links including Google Maps Link send by SinoTrack GPS Trackers. No option to turn off SMS URL links at the moment. But SinoTrack and SeeWorldGPS developers are aware of such restrictions and is working on a firmware patch update soon. But SeeWorldGPS has App Push Notification and Email Notification to receive alert instead in view of replacing SMS URL Links Google Maps blocking.

Carlo Teves4 months ago

Recently had this problem when configuring Sinotrack ST-901 on a new server, SMS with links are blocked here in the Philippines. We end up trying TK303. It's configurable on PC, so far it's working and currently under testing.

Rodney Yeo4 months ago

I manage to set my SinoTrack ST-906L from original reporting server IP to Domain Name using this logical trick since my country Malaysia blocks SMS with Domain Name link.

The logical trick is simple. Initially I use SMS command to temporary switch to my own TracCar server external ip. Then I use TracCar Send Command to switch to my intended Domain Name.

I host my TracCar Server on Raspberry Pi 3B+ and I uses Dynamic DNS service to host my public Domain Name.

My fiber Internet Service Provider changes IP address daily therefore I have no issues with my GPS Tracker reporting back to home network.

The logical trick is use SMS to set IP then use TracCar Send Command to set Domain Name and issue is resolved.

I uses MikroTik router to set NAT HairPin so that external ip can be resolved by internal static DNS domain name.