GPRS Link down Issue

Anisha Vishnoi7 years ago

I am using Traccar 3.12 and having 300 devices installed. Randomly in some devices GPRS link goes down but when I connect the device with another tracking software it goes up and work fine. What can be the issue ?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Sounds like you have a device issue. Why is this under server forum?

Anisha Vishnoi7 years ago

I am not sure it is a server issue or device issue. Actually when I connect the same device with another tracking software it works fine and GPRS link goes up immediately.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

What exactly do you mean by GPRS link? If I understand the term correctly, it has nothing to do with the server.

Anisha Vishnoi7 years ago

GPRS link is used for internet connection. GPRS link down means - No internet connection and GPRS link up means - There is internet connection.

It has nothing to do with server, but how it is possible when I point device to Traccar server GPRS link down and as soon as possible When I point device to another tracking server GPRS link goes up?

jaimzj7 years ago

This GPRS Link Down error you are receiving is mostly when your devices login packets are not reaching your server or are not being acknowledged by your server.

Assuming you are using a concox device, I would suggest check on the following three areas

  1. Mobile SIM providers (White listing of server IP) if you are using private apn. and have recently changed IP of server etc..

  2. Check imei entered in server is right so that server responds to login packets.

  3. Check that you have sent the correct server configuration parameters to the device. (There could be an error on configuration on device level)

you can start by monitoring tracker server log to see if at all there are packets received on server from one of these devices.

Last but not the least, if device works for some time and then randomly stops working then check out your connection timeout configurations.