Getting inverse longitude

ak20156 years ago

Hi Anton,

Why server interpreting inverse longitude in GT06 protocol, it happens only some cases.

2019-07-02 12:41:18 DEBUG: [DC356080: 5023 <] HEX: 78781f121307020c2911c702b41f3008e81223044fb4019400f87600b2190221dec00d0a
2019-07-02 12:41:18 DEBUG: [DC356080: 5023 >] HEX: 78780512008fde5b0d0a
2019-07-02 12:41:18  INFO: [DC356080]  time: 2019-07-02 12:41:17, lat: 25.19939, lon: -83.01485, speed: 4.0, course: 948.0
2019-07-02 12:41:19 DEBUG: [087B1CE2: 5023 <] HEX: 78781f121307020c2911c702b99aca08dbed070014b4019500029b00e35a05d7add90d0a
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Have you check protocol documentation to see if it's a device issue?

ak20156 years ago

Anton, It seems there is protocol issue because we are getting this issue only in latest devices. Can you point out exact issue why it is inverse longitude ? As per my understanding longitude[08 e8 12 23] is OK in data packet but it inverse after bit checking BitUtil.check(flags, 11)

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Protocol documentation should have this info.