Getting error after traccar update

Gaurav9 months ago

I am getting this error when calling update user API

Unrecognized field "twelveHourFormat" (class org.traccar.model.User), not marked as ignorable (25 known properties: "readonly", "limitCommands", "deviceLimit", "poiLayer", "fixedEmail", "login", "name", "latitude", "administrator", "phone", "longitude", "userLimit", "temporary", "zoom", "attributes", "deviceReadonly", "id", "email", "totpKey", "coordinateFormat", "disableReports", "password", "map", "disabled", "expirationTime"]) at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 1, column: 213] (through reference chain: org.traccar.model.User["twelveHourFormat"])

I updated traccar from 5.11 to 6.2

I can see in the changelog that
<dropColumn tableName="tc_servers" columnName="twelvehourformat" /> <dropColumn tableName="tc_users" columnName="twelvehourformat" />

But not sure how to use this, I am using default H2 database

There is no table named tc_users in h2, and the USERS table only has the admin user not subusers

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

There's no version 6.2 yet. Sounds like you upgraded to the latest source code. You should only do it if you're an expert and know exactly what you're doing.

Universal Track9 months ago


I am also gatting same error after updating 6.1 to 6.2. Please help

maclofin8 months ago

I also getting same error

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

The error means that you have not upgraded correctly. There's a mismatch between backend and the web app.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Could also indicate that you have old cached version of the web app, but hopefully everyone does basic things like clearing browser cache before asking on for help on the forum.