Geozone Report

Nikolay 2 years ago


I have the following case study, which I think will be interesting for a lot of Traccar users or just some ;)

When an event occurs at a certain point, crash, speeding, and whatever you can think of it would be very useful to be able to explore the event zone.

If you create a geofence from that point and want to see over a period of time which devices have passed from there and what their behavior was, you can make good enough decisions for the future.

Here's my particular case.

An employee in charge of the fleet found a location where it seemed that fuel was being stolen by truck drivers.
This location is now compromised and no truck is expected to show up.
But, if this supervisor can geofence this location and verify which trucks with which drivers have passed through it.
It would be enough to improve the situation for the future.

I use postgis for such case, but it would be good for Traccar to have a similar solution.