Hi Anton, thanks for the quick response (and also for this great product).
From the screenshot it looks like you added a polyline geofence instead of a polygon. Are you sure that's what you intended?
Curiously, with the hand drawn geofence circle in my other images the shape doesn't shade itself in. Is that expected with a hand drawn LineString shape?
I've just deleted that circle around my job site and used the Polygon Tool to draw a geofence around it. The polygon shape is shaded in.
Perhaps that's the issue? I will test with the polygon geofences and report back.
Anton, our messages just crossed each other - maybe I didn't?
Regardless, no response needed from you. I'll test with the polygon geofences.
Using the polygon tool to draw the geofence works successfully. Geofence Events are appearing and I'm receiving the email notifications as expected.
I was using the LineString tool incorrectly. Once I'd made those simple changes the notifications are now working.
Rigth now I have exactly the same problem reported by Alan.
The only diferences are:
I did all the settings reported by Alan in the geo-zone and on the devices but zero events has been reported when a device enter or exit from a geo zone.
What else I must check or looking for?
Have you linked your devices?
Hi Anton,
thank you for your fast reply.
yes, the are linked. I will try to shere a image
But yes I assigned the Geo Zone (previusly created) and the notifications ( Enter Geo Zone and Exit Geo Zone) to several devices
Can't open the link. You forgot to set permissions.
Hi Anton,
I have created fence with linetool (Not Polygon)
Rest all the notifications are coming to my Phone (My own app not traccar manager)
But i am unable to receive alerts for the fence
am i missing something? Please help
That sounds correct to me.
Hi Anton,
I have analysed a patterns with notification not coming:
I have set Asia/Kolkata +5:30 time zone via preferences options so that i can see my localtime on screen.
Ignition on
eventTime: 09:45AM (Correct time)
Result => Notification work well
Speed limit exceeded
eventTime: 05:21AM (Incorrect time)
Actual time is +5:30hr ahed then this
Result => Notification did not come but it can be seen in Events
Geofence exited
eventTime: 05:31AM (Incorrect time)
Actual time is +5:30hr ahed then this
Result => Notification did not come but it can be seen in Events
so the common pattern is event where server is displaying correct time notification is working fine. but when time is behind 5:30 it is not generating notification.
Please help me to identify what is wrong with configuration.
This is correct behavior. We don't generate notifications for old events.
Geofence enter/exit notifications have been configured but aren't firing.
Geofences are drawn at two locations. I have two notifications configured, Geofence Entered and Geofence Exited.
I'm expecting an email to be sent when either of the two geofences are entered/exited. But nothing is sent/received.
There isn't anything in the logs showing that notifications are trying to be sent.
Notifications > Test Channels works. The test notification web alert appears and the test email is received. Notifications don't fire whether All Devices is enabled or not.
Device is the latest Android app. It is successfully tracked within the application.
When editing the device > Connections, the Geofences do not initially appear selected by default.
However, when Geofences is expanded the two geofences are listed and appear selected/highlighted.
Same with Notifications.
I feel like I'm just missing one small piece in the configuration but I can't figure out what it is. There aren't any Groups or Drivers configured. I'm currently setting this up as a proof of concept; specifically that alerts will be emailed when drivers enter/exit specific geofences. I'm testing on a barebones configuration before I really get into it and I can't seem to get this figured out.
Thanks in advance for any insight that you can offer.