I don't really understand the question.
When a device create a notification as geofenceEnter or geofenceExit, it takes more CPU or RAM usage or load on the machine resources to generate the Geofence notification?
Notification itself doesn't use any CPU or RAM.
And also not in the calculation of the Geofence Notifications?
It seems like you are confusing events and notifications. Calculating geofencing events uses resources, but notifications don't.
Sorry, it was my fault. I had to write the "calculation of the Geofence Events". Okay, I got my answer. So can you help me how much geofences on a device is needed to use less resources. Currently, I have max. 3 Geofences on a device that are created by a single user. And the device is linked with the 3 users so devices_geofence would be 9 geofences. Is this fine?
I don't see any problem with that.
If the devices are in the number of hundreds say 200 and the devices are linked with among some users and each user has 3 geofences then?
I would recommend to test it yourself.
Is Geofence create notification a heavy request or it takes the more usage of resources to compute the Geofence notification? In my case, there are hundred of users and they all have at most 3 Geofences.