Fuel from TK228

juanjorgebm8 years ago

TK228 return a parameter adc1 for fuel.
The protocol documentation said:
For TK228, AD1 is the total accumulated fuel consumption volume which is taken directly from CANBUS data. E.g.: 2493(hex)/100 liters --->93.63 liters

Could, someone, create a calculated attribute for this? I don´t know how to do it

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Do you see ADC value in Traccar?

juanjorgebm8 years ago

alt text

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Then you can just use adc1 / 100 in a computed attribute.

juanjorgebm8 years ago

I thought I needed to change the value from hexadecimal to decimal

harsh7 years ago

Value of ADC1 is actual fuel left in the tank in litres, or a percentage?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Usually ADC value is in volts or millivolts.

harsh7 years ago

Adc1 value is increasing everytime vehicle moves

ADC1 Image

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I just read first comment in this topic. I guess it's not voltage if it's accumulated value. You should check with device vendor about units they use.

Иванов6 years ago

Здравствуйте! А у меня все 4 параметра ADC отображаются, как мне вычислить напряжение батареи, или это топливо?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Спрашивайте у производителя устройства.