Freematic One Plus does not do anything after boot

sdntech8 months ago

Hi Team,

I've been experiencing issues with my Freematic One+ for some time now. It usually restores connectivity to the server after being connected to a laptop and then reconnected to the OBD port. However, for the past few days, it hasn't been working at all, even after being connected to the laptop. I've been monitoring the logs from the terminal, and it seems to be stuck. Not even a restart helps.

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805f0
[  3853][E][ble_spp_server.c:231] gap_event_handler(): [GATTS_SPP_SERVER] GAP_EVT, event 4

[  3867][E][ble_spp_server.c:231] gap_event_handler(): [GATTS_SPP_SERVER] GAP_EVT, event 6

ACC BIAS:0.43/-0.06/0.92
SD:30238 MB total, 47 MB used

My question is: Can it be troubleshooted from the device's end? I appreciate any suggestions.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Have you tried reflashing it?

sdntech8 months ago

I reflashed the system and also. diagnosed the OBD port with an OBD scanner. The port is functioning properly.
When I connect freematic it does get power but then sends no data

sdntech7 months ago

Update - the device came online after a few reboots, however, it is occasionally losing connection again, please see the event log attached.
Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 7.51.53 PM.png

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

I guess it could be a normal behavior, depending on the configuration.

sdntech7 months ago

@Anton, could you please elaborate? The device has not contacted the server since July 22nd. Unplugging and replugging may not be an option for me every time. I wonder what in the configuration is causing this issue.

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

I was referring to losing connection. It is normal for devices to lose connection and re-connect.