FMC920 connection issues

doc6 months ago


I'm trying to attach a teltonika FMC920 to my server. I can see from the logs that is is connecting, and on the dashboard it shows that it was online, however it does not report its location. The logs show the following:

2024-09-07 19:18:46  INFO: [T31fd4308: teltonika < 92.X.X.X] 000f383634343534303730323435323332
2024-09-07 19:18:46  INFO: Event id: 864454070245232, time: 2024-09-07 19:18:46, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 0
2024-09-07 19:18:46  INFO: [T31fd4308: teltonika > 92.X.X.X] 01
2024-09-07 19:18:46  INFO: [T31fd4308: teltonika < 92.X.X.X] {"state":{"reported":{"ts":1725733228000,"pr":0,"latlng":"56.936795,-11.784127","alt":158,"ang":0,"sat":15,"sp":0,"evt":239,"239":1,"240":1,"21":3,"200":0,"69":2,"181":10,"182":7,"66":11504,"67":4040,"68":0,"241":0,"16":684538}}}

I have the device connecting to the server using a domain name, on port 5027.
I have configured the device in the server, using the IMEI as the indentifier.

What am I doing wrong?

Does anyone have a working teltonika configurator settings example?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

This doesn't look like the standard Teltonika protocol. Have you checked with the vendor? Does it use some other format? Is it configurable? Any documentation?

doc6 months ago

The device is a teltonika FMC920, which should use the standard teltonika protocol. It’s listed as a supported device on this site.

Here is a like to the teltonika wiki page for the device:

In terms of configuration, it is currently configured to send data to over port 5027.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

What you shown in the logs is definitely not the standard Teltonika protocol. It should be binary format, but you have some JSON. Could be a device malfunction, so I would definitely reach out to the vendor. Let us know.

doc6 months ago

Thanks for the help, don’t know why I didn’t recognise that was a json file. Dug around in the configurator and it was set to send data as a json. Switching Data Protocol to Codec 8 has resolved the issue.