Flag geofence entry and exit notifications that trigger commands.

Turbovix5 months ago

Friends, I created a notification that triggers the entry and exit of a geofence, these notifications trigger commands. It works perfectly, but in Settings -> Notifications, they appear as: Entry into the geofence / Exit from the geofence and Channels: Command. If I have many, I can't tell who is who or who does what. Is there a way to flag/identify them?

And when it comes to assigning these notifications to devices, I can't identify which one I need.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Currently it's not possible, but feel free to submit a feature request for it.

Turbovix5 months ago

Perfect, thanks!

Cristian5 months ago

Turbovix, I solved it as indicated at the end of this post.


I think something like this could be useful for you

Cristian5 months ago

I hadn't read that it was already solved here. https://github.com/traccar/traccar/issues/5411
but I think it would be good to add that description when trying to assign the notification to the device.

Captura de pantalla 2024-09-18 a la(s) 10.02.24 p. m..png

because if you have more than one notification of the same type but with different commands assigned, you don't know which one you need.

Cristian5 months ago

Forget my suggestion, I tried the modification and I already understood that if the notification has a description it will show you that description.

Turbovix5 months ago

Now it's excellent.

Captura de tela de 2024-09-19 05-15-14.png

Captura de tela de 2024-09-19 05-15-48.png

Captura de tela de 2024-09-19 05-38-52.png