Firebase error when trying to add a new device on traccar server on latest version 6.5

Vedant Dalwi3 months ago

the device is connecting and disconnecting

2024-12-12 11:43:05  WARN: [Td094d3b6] error - Failed to get notificator firebase - RuntimeException (NotificatorManager:75 < NotificationManager:139 < ... < *:132 < ... < *:131 < *:176 < ConnectionManager:251 < BaseProtocolDecoder:182 < ...)
2024-12-12 11:43:05  INFO: [Td094d3b6] disconnected
2024-12-12 11:43:05  INFO: Event id: 356218601199175, time: 2024-12-12 11:43:05, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 5
2024-12-12 11:43:05  WARN: [Td094d3b6] error - Failed to get notificator web - RuntimeException (NotificatorManager:75 < NotificationManager:139 < ... < *:132 < ... < *:131 < *:176 < ConnectionManager:251 < *:198 < MainEventHandler:72 < ...)
Track-trace3 months ago

You think nobody is gonna ask you about your config for firebase?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

The problem is that you had firebase/web notifications configured and then you disabled those option in the configuration file. This is the result. You either have to re-enable them in the config or remove those notifications.

Vedant Dalwi3 months ago

Thanks Anton and Track-trace for the reply, actually I had a traccar setup originally, now I have installed it on another server but connected to the same database, here I have not configured anything for notification, now am facing that error, how exactly I should deal with this.
Thanks again!

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

I believe I already answered the question. There are two options I mentioned in the previous comment.