Filter Approximate and Accuracy

tambiu6 years ago

Hi there, can anyone knows how these filters works ? I have searching on documentation and web but no luck.



Anton Tananaev6 years ago

filter.approximate - filter cell/wifi based locations
filter.accuracy - filter by location accuracy; value in meters

tambiu6 years ago

Thanks Anton,

so for filter.accuracy, if I set filter.accuracy=40, só if the device get accuracy is more than 40 meters it will be filtered out ?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago


tambiu6 years ago

one more final question,

the filter.skiplimit override this filter.accuracy ?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago


Jose B6 years ago

In this example, more than 40 meters related to (compared to) previous locattion?

Jose B6 years ago

@Anton, could you explain to me the filter accurance of my previous question , please?


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Accuracy has nothing to do with previous location. Filter uses accuracy value from the current location.

oyhan4 years ago

Did you remove the filter.accuracy configuration file keys?
I didn't find that on the documentation page

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It might not be documented, but it should still be available.